Adding The Personal Touch To Your Business

How To Start An Effective Labor Job Board Online

by Marie Cox

Labor jobs are often short term contracts for businesses. Labor jobs require several workers to work from start to finish on a project, or to add to the team if they need more hands to complete a job. Looking for general labor jobs can sometimes be a difficult process, especially when it requires combing job ads for jobs that fit the bill and are in the area. If you are interested in starting an online job board for these kinds of employees, here are some ways to make the online resource effective. 

Allow people to create searchable profiles

In order to set up an account to look for or post jobs, make everyone who wishes to interact with your job board set up an account. Job seekers should set up a profile that includes their resume as well as the types of manual labor jobs that they are qualified to perform. This can include electrician certification, forklift driving, and other types of jobs that require licensing or paperwork. Job posters should create a profile of their business including the business name, region of operation, and the types of labor contracts they tend to perform. 

Allow automatic resume submission

Instead of having job seekers redirected to another site in order to fill out an application, have an option to automatically send a resume along with a questionnaire directly to the posted job. This way job seekers will not have to spend large amounts of time filling out a job application on another site. Instead the job poster can create a questionnaire for all of those who will apply via your job board and will receive the persons resume along with the filled out questions. 

Offer a license search

For some labor jobs, licensing will be important to check prior to accepting someone's job application. For instance, plumbers must be licensed and bonded in the state they want to work in before performing commercial and residential work. On your job board, build a section that allows for each person to upload their license, bond, and certification information. On your website, install a search that takes people directly to the county or city licensing board online website. From here, those who are hiring for jobs will be able to perform a search or request information on of the license. This will help you site stand out and provide a faster hiring process for job seekers and job applicants.     
